What I did today?

10 Mar 2016

1 - Pancakes!

Lovely fast pancakes on the blender, with a orange-caramen. Yummy. Awesome way to start a day;

2 - English class;

My first class with my new student. She’s a very nice teacher tutoring for little kids, who wants to enhance her english skills, and master conversation ability. She’s a very nice person, very attentive, fast-learner and hard-working. I’m looking forward to keep helping her grow, and also growing with her, because a teacher learns with the students as much as teaches.

3 - Ajust the corridor router;

I share internet with some neighbor friends, and I’m trying to find the best position for a wireless router to serve as much as clients as possible, without comprimising its quality.

4 - Ajust my home router;

Just organizing the cables and fixing it to the wall.

5 - Level 53 at Tetris Battle;

I’m getting better! It’s a attention game for, I have to be very focused, like an athelete, follow my extints, instead of trying to think to much. I think tetris a game for people with a logical mind, who enjoy solving problems and getting things done perfecting. I love when I’m able to combine all those peaces beautifully, making worderful combinations. And when I fuck it up and mess something it’s really upsseting for me. But, as it is a very fast game, emotions don’t have a place in the matches, I have to keep a very calm manner, and play my best each time. It has I lot of lessions. I could keep talking about it all day. As I read in some book about Buddha: “If someone keeps their eyes wide open, they might see a teaching in everything”

6 - Study Scrum;

I’m negociating a freelancer project to make some UI/UX adjusts in a social network website. I’ve called a friend to help me, and we are planning to use Scrum as a methodology to work on this project. Right now I’m trying to come up with the inicial documentation, schedule, and budget for the project.